Air Modeling & Quality Dispersion
Permit Applications and Compliance Solutions
Waste Gas Treatment
SCS-TECHNOLOGY seeks out suitable and cost-effective / eco-efficient solutions for its clients for today`s challenges and future-oriented plant operation. Continued reductions in air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are essential, as they remains a massive concern to all activities. Air quality and climate policies can provide mutual benefits: climate change mitigation actions can help reduce air pollution, and clean air measures can help reduce GHG emissions leading to reductions in global warming.
SCS-TECHNOLOGY is your partner to optimize permit applications and deliver compliance solutions to satisfy relevant regulations and requirements.
With SCS-TECHNOLOGY`s computer models and utilizing innovative software the most thorough analysis will be efficiently conducted.
SCS-TECHNOLOGY`s engineers, scientists, and modelers are well educated and have significant experience and know-how to move the projects of its clients along smoothly with expertise including:
Operational Compliance
Environmental Impact Assessments and permitting for Construction and Operation
Air Emissions Analyses incl. Stack Testing and Monitoring
Air Quality Compliance
Applicability Evaluations for Air Permitting
Air quality impact analysis
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Management
Air Modeling & Quality Dispersion
SCS-TECHNOLOGY´s air modelling considers completed dispersion modelling analyses for all relevant criteria pollutants as well as toxic air contaminants using the EDP-aided Lagrange model taking into consideration meteorological parameters (prevailing wind directions, force), local conditions (topography) as well as facility-specific parameters (particle properties, emission-rates & plant parameters).
SCS-TECHNOLOGY works with you to find the most desirable effective strategies to reduce predicted modelled concentrations greater than ambient air quality standards. SCS-TECHNOLOGY`s experts also assist you in drawing up planning and permit applications and compliance plans, to make it easy to practically modify strategies and implement them. Our expertise includes:
Meteorological Data Processing & Analysis
Screening, Evaluating & Refining Modelling
Air Emissions Analysis as well as Air Toxics Modelling
Deposition Modelling
Risk Assessment Modelling for Human Health

Permit Applications and Compliance Solutions
With our experience in drawing up planning and permit applications SCS-TECHNOLOGY is delivering compliance solutions for regulations and requirements and the relevant air quality rules.
SCS-TECHNOLOGY perform cost-effective control technology assessments and compliance plans that meet regulatory requirements such as:
Optimized Control Technology based on the relevant Best-Available-Technique Reference-Guidlines for the respective sector
Emission Standards for the relevant pollutants such as Dust, VOC, CO, SO2, NOx, HCl, HF, PCDD/PCDF, heavy metals (e.g. Cd, Tl, Hg, Pb), Odours, as well as relevant Hazardous Air Pollutants
Maximum Achievable Control Technology Determinations
Waste Gas Treatment
Based on SCS-TECHNOLOGY`s process knowledge the best available state-of-the-art industrial exhaust gas treatment methods like incineration, scrubbing and the absorption of toxic gases will be found for the respective application. Our consulting services are individualized and open for all technology options, in order to find the best and most cost-effective solution for your specific requirements.
Dedusting Plants
Desulphurization Plants
DeNOx Plant (SNCR / SCR)
Post Combustion of Waste Gases (CO, VOC, PAH`s, PCDD/PCDF)
Adsorption of PCDD/PCDF (Dioxins / Furans)
Adsorption and Recovery of Hydrocarbons
Removal of Heavy Metals
Removal of Elementary and Oxidized Mercury